• Breaking News

    Senin, 24 Juli 2017

    Scam Page PayPal 2017 | Smart + True Login Undetected ]

    Script Scam page PayPal , Siapa Sih Yang Ga Tau Scam Page Bagi Anak Carding.

    Scam Page ialah pengambilan data-data penting melalui sebuah tiruan dari page tertentu
    ( paypal, bank login, amazon, dll) yang sangat menyerupai page aslinya , sehingga banyak customer yang terkecoh dengan tiruan page tersebut.
    Sehingga kita memasukan data-data penting kita ke dalam page tiruan tersebut, dan data-data yang sering di incar ialah : credits card, bank login, paypal account, dll . 

    Features :
    - New Paypal theme 2017 .

    - All info of your victim (Login , Full Billing , Full Card info , and "exlusive" Bank info).

    - Automatic country detection with changing the language .

    - Clean scampage and Fast php responding .

    - One of the best and the smartest antibots system on the internet so this scampage will never be detected 1000% .

    - Auto-redirect to the official paypal website after finishing the operation .

    Tutorial :

    Open "Config/___________email.php" and put your email .

    I hope you like it, And im sure that it will give you a huge results so enjoy it well.

    Download :

    [ Sendspace ] Scam Page PayPal 2017 | Smart + True Login Undetected ]

    Bila Ada Pertanyaan Silahkan Berkomentar, Admin Akan Secepatnya Meng-konfirmasi Komentar Anda.

    Semoga Bermanfaat .

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